A Beginners Guide to Glamping

exterior view of a canvas glamping tent with green grass in foregroundSince glamping mixes rugged outdoor activities with the comfort of luxurious accommodations, many people donā€™t know what to expect with these vacations. Moreover, with so many different types of glamping amenities available, peopleā€™s experiences on glamping trips can differ dramatically.Ā 

As one of the top glamping accommodation options in Colorado, Royal Gorge Cabins wanted to offer this guide to glamping for beginners. The hope is that sharing these luxury glamping tips and tricks allows you to more easily have fun and create an unforgettable adventure.

What Key Things About Glamping for Beginners Should Everyone Know?

To help you better prepare for your first glamping trip, there are a few key things about glamping for beginners that everyone should know.

There Are Many Ways To Go Glamping

Double Queen Glamping Tents at Royal Gorge Cabins

The first thing to note about glamping is the fact that there are many ways to do it. The only real criteria that separates glamping from normal camping is the addition of luxurious accommodations. As such, the term ā€œglampingā€ is used to describe a lot of different structures and facilities.Ā 

While one person may go glamping in a motorhome, another might stay in a canvas tent. In fact, glamping can be accomplished in tepees, yurts, cabins, canvas-covered wagons, and more. Some people even refer to our high-end cabin rentals as a glamping experience, even though they have many of the comforts of a modern home.

Glamping Is All About Comfort

At Royal Gorge Cabins, we canā€™t emphasize enough that glamping is all about experiencing the beautiful outdoors in comfort and style. Itā€™s a really cool thing to be able to go hiking or white water rafting, and then return to a comfortable place to wash-up and rest.Ā 

Since your campground host will provide ample amenities for your glamping vacation, you donā€™t have to pack much camping gear for these trips. Other than clothing for your outdoor adventures, you only need to remember a few key items like headlamps, bug spray, food, and water bottles. The best thing is, you can always plan on being comfortable and well-rested on a glamping vacation.

Single Queen Glamping Tents on furniture-grade redwood decks

Glamping Is All About Comfort

No guide to glamping would be complete without discussing amenities. While you should always be able to count on glamping being comfortable, it is always a good idea to inquire with your camp host about exactly what amenities willĀ be available. In fact, there can be large variances on facilities and creature comforts from one campground to the next.Ā 

Double Queen Glamping Tent interior view

At Royal Gorge Cabins, each of our Colorado glamping tents include the following:Ā 

  • Electrical outlets,Ā 
  • Free Wi-Fi,Ā 
  • Coffee pots,
  • Interior lighting,
  • Evaporative coolers,Ā 
  • Concrete patios,
  • Fire rings with grill tops,
  • Complimentary campfire kits, and
  • Comfortable beds (with linens, pillows, and blankets).Ā 

While the tents at Royal Gorge Cabins donā€™t have running water or bathrooms, there is a nice shower house on property specifically for your use.

Remember That Glamping Is Still Camping

While glamping is defined by its luxury and comfort, it’s important to remember you are still camping on these adventures. In the end, spending time in a campground can be much different than what you might expect in a normal home. Most guests really appreciate this factā€”mainly because they want to spend as much time outdoors as possible!Ā 

Here are a few examples of the differences you can expect. Firstly, if you leave your tent door open with the lights on at night, itā€™ll attract bugs into your living space, so remember to close your door in the evening! Secondly, since the idea of camping is to be more in touch with Mother Nature, many glamping facilities donā€™t offer a TV for guests. This is why Royal Gorge Cabins recommends bringing a tablet or book for some extra entertainment. If youā€™re glamping with family and friends, be sure to bring board games or cards to pass the time.

family glamping at Royal Gorge Cabins

Book an Unforgettable Glamping Trip with Royal Gorge Cabins

The canvas tents and luxurious cabins at Royal Gorge Cabins offer the ideal setting for a Colorado vacation. Just minutes away from the Royal Gorge Bridge and Colorado Springs, our glamping tents provide a luxurious base for your outdoor adventures. Book your next trip today!

Picture of Ben Sack

Ben Sack

Ben Sack is the General Manager of Echo Canyon River Expeditions and Royal Gorge Cabins. He's also a raft guide, photographer, and he loves exploring Colorado and beyond with his wife and two boys.

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